I’ve had this switch for a long time and I’m very satisfied with it. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I’d rather share pictures of how I rebuilt a very noisy data center top rack switch. The switch originally came with a powerful 3-fan setup designed for data centers, which I immediately replaced with other fans.
A person I found on eBay from the United States, who had previously supplied me with parts for my Tesla K80, also 3D printed a fan shroud duct specifically for this switch. I sent him pictures, dimensions, and my own designs, based on which he 3D printed for me. I’m very pleased with the result.
After making a few small improvements and upgrades to the switch, I can’t hear the switch and all temps are within normal ranges. Also, I have connected 2 main fans to a fan controller, where I can adjust the speed myself. If you’re wondering which way the air flows, whether these fans blow or draw air, I have currently set all fans to blow air in. I haven’t tested yet to see how it would be if some blew air in and others drew it out. Maybe when I have more time, I’ll do a test.